we grow
we grow

La sociedad

Together we grow

Chochoy es una empresa experta en estrategia comercial multisectorial. 

Especialista en lógica de integración de valor, nuestro equipo permite construir ofertas pertinentes, estandarizadas y efectivas. Chochoy Conseil  protege asiduamente la propiedad intelectual a nivel nacional e internacional INPI, EUIPO, etc.).

Nuestro posicionamiento único y nuestra visión práctica derivan de una metodología con enfoque sistémico que tiene en cuenta el contexto en su totalidad y en su complejidad.

Asimismo, la experiencia dual pública y privada de Chochoy Conseil permite conectar estos dos universos.

« El saber no es suficiente, tenemos que aplicar. El querer no es suficiente, tenemos que actuar. » Leonardo de Vinci

La sociedad

Nuestros valores


Tenemos una cultura de desafío y superación propia. Somos ambiciosos, y estamos estimulados por el éxito.


Desarrollamos una relación de confianza a largo plazo con nuestros clientes. Situar el interés del cliente en el centro de nuestras decisiones es nuestra principal misión.


Más que un valor, la excelencia forma parte de nuestro ADN.


Conscientes de la importancia de los nuevos retos, situamos la innovación en el centro de nuestras estrategias.


«Es más importante transmitir a los demás lo que hemos contemplado, que contemplar sólo para nosotros mismos». Tomás de Aquino


«Actuar de forma rápida y global a través del emprendimiento» es la ambición de Time for the Planet. Apoyamos esta iniciativa de financiar proyectos de emprendimiento responsables.

La sociedad

En algunos números


Talentos reclutados


Países objetivo


Clientes que confían en nosotros


Inversione con nuestros clientes

La sociedad

Nuestros socios estratégicos




Nuestro compromiso al servicio de su proyecto

Lo más cerca posible de las necesidades de nuestros clientes y en un mundo que evoluciona constantemente, Chochoy Conseil ha desarrollado cinco áreas de especialización, reforzadas con metodologías comprobadas.

Nuestros servicios

Nuestras áreas de intervención

  • Acompañamiento durante el lanzamiento de una oferta innovadora
  • Soporte estratégico global (Metodología propia MSMKC)
  • Optimización de la actividad comercial
  • Desarrollo de una oferta global para una mayor eficacia dentro del mercado objetivo
  • Creación y gestión de una red de distribución en Francia y a nivel internacional
  • Creación de un ecosistema eficiente para el desarrollo de la empresa
  • Formación para una mejor estructuración comercial (Qualiopi)
  • Acompañamiento al desarrollo orgánico a través de nuestra filial Chochoy RRHH & Reclutamiento
  • Inversión de capital a través de Chochoy Invest

Ellos confían en nosotros


"Trabajamos con la firma Chochoy Conseil como parte del establecimiento de Vinfast en Europa, y especialmente en Francia, para la contratación de diferentes perfiles profesionales, pero también por su experiencia en consultoría y soporte global de empresa. Las fortalezas de esta sociedad, que nos han convencido y que nos han permitido trabajar juntos, son la profesionalidad, la capacidad de respuesta, las conexiones, la calidad de la asesoría brindada, y su estrategia de soporte a largo plazo para nuestra empresa"

Rémy AYBALY, Brand Development Director - Vinfast


"Elegí a Emmanuel Chochoy, en primer lugar porque entendió muy rápidamente mis peticiones, y además porque tiene canales de transmisión en una región donde yo no los tengo, y porque tiene un equipo dinámico que es capaz de transmitir el mensaje de la Smart City. La experiencia de Emmanuel es tranquilizadora, por su capacidad para comprender los desafíos comerciales y traerlos internamente a su equipo desde un punto de vista gerencial".

David BELLAISCH, President - Villes et Réseaux 3D


“Elegimos Chochoy Conseil por su oportuna oferta de soporte para nuestro desarrollo internacional. La integración de nuestra solución dentro del "paquete Smart City" de Chochoy Conseil nos garantiza la oportunidad de ofrecer nuestros servicios allí donde autónomamente no podríamos hacerlo. Con Chochoy Conseil, optamos por la solidaridad y la coherencia para conquistar a nuestros clientes de exportación"

Philippe CHUSSEAU, General Manager - Transway


"Gracias a la capacidad para poner en práctica sus conocimientos y a su valoración sobre nuestros crecientes desafíos, los consultores dinámicos de Chochoy Conseil brindan a AXESYS un soporte personalizado para el desarrollo comercial, con un verdadero sentido de servicio al cliente. Por su capacidad de movilizar personal, por su flexibilidad y por su adaptabilidad a nuestras limitaciones, Chochoy Conseil es más que un simple proveedor: Chochoy Conseil es nuestro socio estratégico"

Jean-Baptiste KUDLA, Manager SSII - Axesys


"Con gran compromiso y talento, el equipo de Chochoy Conseil nos soporta en la estructuración e implementación operacional de nuestra estrategia de desarrollo internacional. Su experiencia y su red de contactos han sido decisivas en varias oportunidades comerciales importantes, particularmente en licitaciones públicas complejas. Trabajo, ambición y reciprocidad son los valores fundamentales que unen a CCR y a Lyko"

Laurent Bouzon, Co-founder - Lyko


"Llevamos muchos años trabajando con Emmanuel Chochoy, y hoy seguimos encontrando las mismas cualidades que necesitamos en los servicios de la sociedad Chochoy Conseil en relación con nuestros reclutamientos estratégicos. Entendimiento de nuestras necesidades y de nuestro contexto, eficiencia y resultados. Recomendamos completamente la firma Chochoy Conseil como soporte para el crecimiento de su negocio"

Christophe CABORET, Responsable de la oficina de estudios Yanmar Europa

Hospital Universitario de Reims

"Acudimos a la firma de Marketing Estratégico Chochoy Conseil para que nos ayudara a encontrar la perspectiva necesaria para resolver problemas operativos complejos que requieren análisis y una búsqueda de soluciones innovadoras. Las propuestas de Chochoy Conseil tienen muy en cuenta nuestro entorno y son muy oportunas. Recomiendo, sin dudarlo, esta consultora y sus muy efectivos métodos"

Cédric GAROT, Director de Patrimonio, Compras y Logística Hospital Universitario de Reims


Hemos elegido trabajar con Chochoy Conseil para que nos apoyen en nuestro desarrollo, tanto en Francia como en el extranjero. Su modo de direccionamiento corresponde a la transversalidad de usos entre las diferentes políticas públicas comunitarias que nuestra solución ofrece, integrando plenamente el enfoque lúdico en el marco de la Smart City. Por otro lado, nuestra integración con este equipo de trabajo nos permite estructurar un enfoque internacional al racionalizar los costos de adquisición. Agradecemos la disponibilidad de los equipos de trabajo de Chochoy Conseil y la fuerza de su propuesta.

Jérémie SIMON, Cofundador y Presidente de BALUDIK


Las empresas Energisme y Loamics están enteramente satisfechas con los servicios del grupo Chochoy Conseil. La calidad de su apoyo es muy recomendable. Actualmente estamos trabajando en conjunto con CHOCHOY para responder a diferentes licitaciones, y nos alegramos por ello.

Thierry CHAMBON Director General de ENERGISME


We have been working with Chochoy Conseil for two years, for the quality of the Smart City Galaxy offer and for its support towards major actors and partners of our area. Chochoy Conseil allowed us to better apprehend our ecosystem and helped introduce us to a relevant network.

Guillaume CAZENAVE, Co-founder and CEO of Two-i


Supported by Chochoy Conseil for two years, we are confident in the quality and skills of their teams to facilitate the global rollout of our Illiwap mobile application. First, we collaborated with the teams to develop institutional fact sheets that present our solutions in the Smart City Galaxy's catalogue. These institutional fact sheets are translated into several languages to increase visibility. We received support in commercial prospecting for quality and have also established a network and synergy with SCG's partners. Finally, we recently participated in the SWEWC at the Smart City Galaxy's stand, which gave us good visibility. We thank the teams for all the leads they provided. At Illiwap, we believe that combining innovative solutions is crucial to creating smarter cities.

Raphaëlle REYMOND Sales Director / Business Manager at illiwap


Smart City Galaxy

El equipo de Chochoy Conseil ha construido la oferta Smart City Galaxy, una constelación con las soluciones aplicativas más relevantes para los actores públicos, en Francia y en el extranjero. Actualmente, más de 8.000 soluciones nos han sido propuestas, las cuales están siendo estudiadas por Chochoy Conseil.

Smart City Galaxy

Nuestras soluciones

Capital Humano

Un equipo comprometido y activo

Emmanuel CHOCHOY, Gerente
Sylvain LECARD, Managing Director - Member of Copil and Comex
Pierre BURSTERT, Project Management Officer
Nicolas MAKSUD, Chief Operating Officer
Audrey LOTODÉ, International Business Development officer
Guillaume MANDOLINI, International Business Development Officer
Yann VELLY, Consultant in institutional language and pedagogical engineering and CEO of SYNCRETYS S.A.R.L
Anne ONTHANK, Marketing, Editorial and Communication Manager
Margaux PAYSANT, Business Development Manager
Fanny TIERCELET, Strategical and Operational Marketing Officer
Jérémie NESTEL, Director of Development for the France-Québec Energy Transition Economic Corridor/Ambassador for the Smart City Galaxy in Canada
Léo BENZIDANE, Business Development Support Manager
Nisrine RAIR, PhD student in Artificial Intelligence
Quentin SEVIN, Graphic Design Assistant
Emmanuel CHOCHOYGerente

Emmanuel ha ocupado puestos de dirección comercial operacional en Francia y en el extranjero, para PYMES y para grandes grupos, en aeronáutica, servicios intelectuales y Smart City. La inspiración de Emmanuel proviene de sus mentores, como Simon Azoulay (Alten), Laurent Germain (EGIS), Carmen Muñoz Dormoy (EDF), Nicolas Maksud (Haïku) y Toru Kumon (método de aprendizaje KUMON). Premio CEDRE d'or 2005, Reims Creator 2010, Embajador de la ciudad de Reims 2019 y miembro de la comisión Colbert 202 ...

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Sylvain LECARDManaging Director - Member of Copil and Comex

With over 25 years' experience in major industrial groups, Sylvain Lecard has distinguished himself through his management skills, as well as his ability to lead commercial and operational activities. He has held a variety of positions, ranging from operational management posts to strategic missions, such as setting up agencies in new territories. This in-depth expertise makes him a major asset in supporting our growth. His career with integrators such as Ineo Infracom, Engie, Spie CityNet ...

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Pierre BURSTERTProject Management Officer

Pierre has more than 25 years' experience in major industrial groups, and has distinguished himself by playing a key role in the dynamic management of innovation. He has held operational positions focused on innovation and technical product development, as well as activity management positions in design offices and project organisations, both in France and internationally. His project management experience enables him to provide invaluable support to project, marketing and sales teams, act ...

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Nicolas MAKSUDChief Operating Officer

Nicolas has 35 years of experience, including 20 years as an Executive and Program Director in the automotive sector. As a senior expert, partner in strategic and operational consulting, and also recognised as a technical expert for the French automotive cluster, he has supervised teams and projects and demonstrated his skills in leadership, technical expertise, and business model construction in the sale of services and products. He provides development support to Chochoy Conseil, adding his ...

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Audrey LOTODÉInternational Business Development officer

Con su experiencia profesional en China, Brasil, España e Inglaterra, Audrey se especializa en establecer y gestionar redes internacionales de distribución. Su capacidad de adaptación, su mente analítica y sus habilidades interculturales, han permitido a diferentes empresas en los sectores de oceanografía, seguridad y educación aumentar significativamente su presencia internacional. Audrey está posicionando actualmente su experiencia en el desarrollo de las Smart Cities. Audrey se graduó con un ...

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Guillaume MANDOLINIInternational Business Development Officer

Guillaume began his career in commerce at an early age with 15 years of experience in various domains (B2B/B2B2C/B2B2G) in both large corporations (Orange Business Services, Adecco) and SMEs (EFICA, Promo-intex). He is a passionate entrepreneur who thrives in building new projects from A to Z. He has lived and worked in three continents for several years (Europe, America, and Asia for five years) in multicultural and international contexts. Guillaume's dynamism, adaptability, and diverse experi ...

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Yann VELLYConsultant in institutional language and pedagogical engineering and CEO of SYNCRETYS S.A.R.L

Yann is passionate about inventiveness and creativity. He possesses cross-functional skills to assist in the management of innovative projects, with a particular expertise in pedagogical engineering. As a lawyer and holder of the CAPI (Certificate of Industrial Property) from the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), his expertise in innovation extends from R&D and the creation of intangible value to research’s valorisation and personal data protection. As a teacher of public l ...

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Anne ONTHANKMarketing, Editorial and Communication Manager

After several years of working in the cultural sponsorship sector, Anne decided to contribute her marketing and events expertise to Chochoy Conseil. Her main passion is learning! That’s why she chose to join a company with clients and partners from both the public and private sectors. Equally at home in the field and behind her desk, Anne joined our teams to bolster our resources in the production and deployment of our offerings. Thanks to her background in humanities, languages and business, ...

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Margaux PAYSANTBusiness Development Manager

Margaux chose an international career path, particularly in the United States and China, to gain an insight into other cultures and international business. Margaux has acquired skills in building high-performance distribution networks and mastering the entire value chain. Further to a rich experience in the wine sector, and more precisely in the Champagne industry, it is now assembling Smart City solutions rather than tasty grapes that Margaux will contribute to the enrichment of our ecosystem, ...

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Fanny TIERCELETStrategical and Operational Marketing Officer

Fanny joined Chochoy Conseil following her university studies. During her studies, she worked as a project manager for a social protection organisation. Thanks to this experience, which enabled her to develop her skills in rural areas, project management and relations with public and local players, Fanny now wants to extend her skills to urban policy issues, the retail sector and take part in the company's development. Curious and eager to learn, she enjoys discovering new areas and is lookin ...

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Jérémie NESTELDirector of Development for the France-Québec Energy Transition Economic Corridor/Ambassador for the Smart City Galaxy in Canada

With over twenty-five years' experience in territorial community, Jérémie specialises in implementing digital and ecological transformation projects. He was project manager for the Salon de l'Innovation en Villes Médianes between France and Quebec for three years, and recently contributed to the creation of the Corridor Économique de la Transition Énergétique between the Hauts de France region and the Grande Mauricie region, with the Béthune agglomeration and the Quebec investment fund C3E. H ...

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Léo BENZIDANEBusiness Development Support Manager

With a strong international culture, Léo puts his energy and ability to make proposals into improving the efficiency of the companies he has worked for. With his ability to adapt, his pragmatism and his great curiosity, Léo not only uses the tools made available to him, but also adapts them to improve the businesses for which he provides support. Léo supports our company's sales activities in France and abroad. He brings us efficiency in the continuous improvement of processes in support of mar ...

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Nisrine RAIRPhD student in Artificial Intelligence

Passionate by innovation and Artificial Intelligence new uses, Nisrine joined Chochoy Conseil to develop the future tools of the growing company. As a PhD student, along with the CReSTIC laboratory of the Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, Nisrine’s goal is to use Artificial Intelligence to optimise the company MSMKC© methodology during complex analysis phases. Nisrine graduated from La Rochelle University with a Master’s Degree in Informatics – specialized in data and will have a PhD in ...

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Quentin SEVINGraphic Design Assistant

Quentin began his career with our company through a work-study training, obtaining a Technological University Degree in Business and Administration Management. After acquiring versatile management skills in administration, finance and human resources, Quentin chose to redirect his career to follow his passion for visual creation. Currently studying for a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design, which he will complete in 2027, Quentin is specialising in the design of communication media, combini ...

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Insight & News


3rd Smart City Galaxy Congress
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Forbes puts the light on Chochoy Conseil!
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The Smart City Galaxy is proud to sponsor Florian Warsemann
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Article - Time of a manager is a complex ressource
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A new press article in Ville Intelligente Mag!
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Article - Smart Rurality & SMARTbourg
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Article - The great value of a dynamic segmented frame of reference
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Video - Innopolis 2023 Round-Table
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Article - ACSES equips Reims Habitat with its connected lockers!
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Article - The Smart City Galaxy came to Nice
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Article - Chochoy Conseil to the International conquest
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Chochoy Conseil has the Jeune Entreprise Innovante status
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La Smart City version Baobab by Chochoy Conseil
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Article - Reims CHU chooses a Smart City Galaxy solution
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How to address the smart city to public actors in 2023?
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Innopolis Expo 2022 – The Smart City Galaxy with Chochoy Conseil
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Focus on our partnership with GENETEC
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[Matot Braine] Smart City Galaxy Reims 2022
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[Two-i Tech Talk part 2] - A global offer for the Smart City
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[Two-i Tech Talk Part 1] - The evolution of the Smart city concept
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[Matot Braine] The Smart City takes root thanks to Chochoy Conseil
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[Interview B Smart] - MaaS - Emmanuel Chochoy (Chochoy Conseil) & Laurent Bouzon (Lyko)
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Jakarta announces new MaaS scheme
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A huge ticket for Jakarta
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An engineering & consulting group from Besançon put a feet on Reims
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Chochoy sets-up a « pack » selling concept in Reims
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In Reims, these fifteen inhabitants are going to ponder a recovery plan
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Chochoy, a new recruiting agency paid on its results opens in Reims
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Chochoy Conseil is at Pollutec today !
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End of the ‘Salon des Maires et des Collectivités’ for the Smart City Galaxy
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Let the Salon IBS begin
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Back to the Parlement du Numérique
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Last day of the Smart City Expo World Congress!
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The Smart City Galaxy Congress 2024 draws to a close!
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Chochoy Conseil welcomed Egis!
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Smart City workshop!
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Margaux Paysant and Laurène Longuet at the AUDRR
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BIM World Paris conference
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The Smart City Galaxy was at the Lisbon Energy Summit
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📸 Throwback on the AMIF event!
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Chochoy Conseil was in Paris on May 22nd and 23rd for VivaTech!
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Event, meetings, projects!
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Audrey Lotodé made her way to the Middle East last week!
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Arnaud Robinet at Chochoy Conseil!
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Throwback on the Smart Travel event in Portugal
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Chochoy Conseil is at Municipalia!
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Intertraffic, ready to go!
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Smart City Galaxy by Egis at BIM World Paris
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A new event for Chochoy Conseil!
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It's time for Digital Spring!
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Throwback on the Futurebuild Conference in London!
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That’s a wrap on the Interchange Annual Conference !
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End of the ATEC Congress for Chochoy Conseil
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Grand Reims' New Year Ceremony
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Genetec and the Smart City Galaxy are strengthening their ties in Canada!
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🎬Throwback to the #SMCL23
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Chochoy Conseil was at the WNE 2023!
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📸Throwback on the 2023 Mayor and Local Authorities Exhibition
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Chochoy Conseil was at Milipol Paris
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That’s a wrap on this year’s Smart City Expo World Congress!
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📸 Throwback on the Spie CityNetworks seminar
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Let's go to the IBS exhibition and the SmartCity+SmartGrid Forum!
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📷Flashback to the Portugal Smart Cities Summit
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SMARTBourg in Moselle - by Spie CityNetworks
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IA and Territories Convention
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Throwback on the London Climate Technology Show
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👉 Throwback to the 2 days we spent at the Innopolis Expo Show!
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Chochoy Conseil at #VTCtourNord du 21 septembre 2023 !
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Flashback on #Ruralitic 📸
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Smart City Galaxy Congress Nice 2023 : the aftermovie 🎬
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About the AN2V's Night 📸
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The #SmartCityGalaxy Congress 2023 comes to an end 🪐
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The #SmartCityGalaxy 🪐 in Portugal and in the UK!
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The Smart City Galaxy 🪐 has received a warm welcome from Morocco
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Launching of SMARTbourg by SPIE CityNetworks
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Interchange UK (Birmingham)
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Inauguration des nouveaux locaux sur le thème de l’environnement et l’énergie
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Attractiv’idées – Le Grand Soissons
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Inauguration des nouveaux locaux sur le thème de la mobilité
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Inauguration des nouveaux locaux sur le thème de la sécurité
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Local Mayors and Communities Exhibition 2022 - Paris
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Smart City World Congress - Barcelona
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Presentation of the Smart City Galaxy by Egis - Rabat
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Presentation of Smart City Galaxy at BRIC - Brussels
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2nd European City Centre Conference - European Parliament - Strasbourg
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The UGAP seminar "Territories and mobilities"
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Smart City Galaxy powered by Egis Seminar - Lyon
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Smart City Galaxy at CIRB CIBG ! (Brussels)
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A look back at the solutions part of the Smart City Galaxy !
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Our first Smart City Galaxy Congress in France!
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Presentation of the Smart City Galaxy offer
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Exhibition for Mayors and Local Authorities
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SPIE CityNetworks conference on the Smart City
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We become a sponsor of the Gol de Letra France Foundation!
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Inauguration of our offices by the Mayor of Reims
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Cobrandz : Invitation to the merchandising and licensing fair
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Viva Technology : Meet the new actors in the economy of tomorrow
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We're joining French Tech Grand Reims community
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Webconférence : Stratégies gagnantes en entretien de recrutement



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